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is it abandoned? 


Is the game still in development or is it abandoned? 

I really liked the story and characters 😪

Is there a more active patreon or something with updates?

I like it, though the English translation is really, really rough (for example, the MC always calling Nolan fat when he is nothing resembling fat, & several other little things that don't quite work in translation). Also, I don't know if I just picked the "wrong" choices, but the spot where the demo cuts off was just a terrible spot to end lol.

It's been forever since this has been updated though, so I'm hoping that it hasn't been abandoned!


It's almost a year please update the game I'm crying


Please, we need an update on the game.


Just a page update right, not the game? 


I've made a slight tweak to the user interface of the android version, specifically the buttons previously less convenient to access in the game interface.


Oh okay, thank you. Excited for an update, whenever it may come.


I really love this game, it's so good. And though the english translation isn't perfect, it's still easily understandable.

I am wondering when this game will be fully released, but I know that making a game and its story takes a lot of time and effort. So I will just wait around in anticipation to see where this story goes some day. :)


this game has such a potential but tbh the english translation is damn terrible, who did this?

Le jeu est incroyable et le fait qu'il soit dispo en français amplifie mon amour pour le jeu ! J'ai hâte de voir la suite !! Est ce que tu as prévu une date de sortie pour la mise à jour ?


someone explain pls why i cant download it???


excited to see what happens next! 


This was great, can't wait for the full game!


Any news of the full release?


Such a cute game. Hope its still in development.

Enjoyable side characters and the graphics are great.

There are a  few places where the male and female pronouns are mixed up - for example the MC says her instead of him when talking about Nolan.

Thank you for your comment. Corrections to the English translation have been made thanks to your feedback.


Is this game still being developed? I really loved the demo

Any Updates on potential launch date?


From the demo, this definitely has potential to be a cute, funny high school romantic visual novel. I will admit that I'm not interested in the slightest bit towards Nolan (he looks like a clone of Rei Rindoh from Destind: Mr. Almost Right); the demo really targeted him in a rushed romantic way instead of a gradually developing feelings for situation despite the MC having stated feelings for Flavien. I get that it's suppose to be a "he always liked the MC, and she just didn't know it" type thing, but Samael instead really caught my eye with his maturity and intuition, I liked the balance he brought in the brief screen time; so I hope in the final game he, as well as Flavien, are options you can at least experience a bit before being forced into a commitment with Nolan. The art is nice, the music is good, the scenes even have some movement, and I actually didn't mind the conversations between the other female characters, the gym scenario was relatable, and addressing the different real life issues in each scenario built up a backstory into each character's personality instead of it being a linear story of just MC + Nolan flirting/sex without any depth. I will say my only real criticism is the English translation is messy, and there are a lot of grammatical errors that broke immersion.

Thank you for your valuable feedback on the game. Corrections have been made to the English translation. And new scenes have been added with many visual changes. I hope you will enjoy it.

Hiii! I really like the demo of your game (so much i almost cried when it took me back to the start screen afterwards lolol)

I have a question. Relating to the 'mature content', will the MC be able to dom in situations with Nolan?

Thanks, looking forward to future updates! 

(2 edits)

I'm glad you like the demo. Absolutely. Depending on the choices made by the player, the sexual relations will be various.

I like the game. But I find myself losing interest rather quickly. I really enjoyed the start of the game is really shows the friendship between MC and Nolan brilliantly. Its when MC gets to school when I start wanting to skip and go to other parts of the game. The introduction of Flavien, the M. Aztriman event, the conversation of MC and Kat talking about their bodies, and the when Nolan confront  were parts where I was fully invested in the story. The conversation with Kaze and the conversation between Samael, Marion, Viola just seem last way to long.  I feel like those conversations can be shortened at a little. In conclusion, I did like the game, but there were some things I feel could be improved on.

Thank you for taking the time to give me detailed feedback. I will take note of it.

(2 edits)

This demo is so damn good I've even decided to pay for it after playing.
The character art and drawing style in general are lovely, and the writing is great and believable (but I'm not a native English speaker so can't rate the language or its quality).
I'd happily buy the final version if it will be released (which sadly may never happen, given the creator stopped replying here for almost 6 months). I'd also happily support the creator if they make a Patreon page or smth.

Would be a real shame if this little gem becomes an abandonware.


Thank you very much for your feedback and support on this game, madtwilek. The project is not abandoned and is still in development.


Godspeed and thank you very much!


I must be missing something... I get to Nolan burying his face in Alva's neck, and it feels like it should be turning into a scene, but it ends there?

No, this is not a mistake. The demo stops at this point in the game.


Okay so let me say I'm sooo excited for this game! I can't wait for the release.  Demo was amazing and the story is soo good so far. 

I did want to say that some lines are not translating in English completely some said he was a she but its pretty minor and i wasn't sure if that was just like a "demo" program problem and not on the game. Other then that no complaints and even that was no biggie. Can't wait!

Thank you very much for your feedback, AkaneMiushima. I will correct the translation errors.



Im really excited for this game. Im sad its not going to release till the end of next year. I look forward to how spicy it will be. Finally a sexy game for women that isn't yaoi on Android. Nothing wrong with yaoi just want something different.

Hello AnimeLollipops, thank you for your feedback on demo ^^ I'm glad you like the idea of a spicy game for women. Sure, the sexy scenes will be hot ;)

Cette demo est déjà de trèèèèès bonne qualité. L'histoire et les différents personnages qu'on a pu voir sont déjà super intriguants, je m'y attendais pas.  J'ai le seum que ce soit qu'une demo pour le moment parce que c'est déjà intéressant TwT. J'ai vraiment hate de jouer au jeu complet!!!


Merci beaucoup pour ton retour sur la demo, BlackLime. Je suis ravie qu'elle ait pu te surprendre dans le bon sens. J'espère que le jeu complet te plaira également ^^

(1 edit)

Just out of curiosity, why do some of these images/sprites look really different from others style-wise? Do you have more then one person working on them?
Also, will there be multiple romance options, or only one guy?


Hello Erized, yes, there is several artists.
And there will be only one character that can be romanced in the game.

Okay, thanks for clarifying!

The demo is amazing, but I have a problem getting all the images ! I could only get one ! I need a walkthrough, I'm too dumb for this shit ! 

Can't wait for the full game !

Thank you ! ^^ This demo contains only one illustration. More illustrations will be available in the next update of the demo.

Thanks for telling me ! I was going nuts trying to find another illustration ! But other than that It's a great game and I can't wait till the next update !

I love it!!! When will it be released???

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much ^^ If all goes well, the game will be updated by the end of 2022.

hey! just finished playing the demo and it's *chef's kiss* looking forward to the full game!! 

Thanks for your feedback ^^

(3 edits)

Hello !

Je viens tout juste de finir la démo et franchement j'ai été agréablement surprise ! Déjà j'adore le design des personnages que tu as choisi. Ensuite en ce qui concerne l’histoire,  je m'attendais à quelque chose d'assez "classique" mais tu abordes des sujets sérieux et d’actualité et ce côté engagé rajoute réellement de la profondeur à l'histoire. Sinon j'ai vraiment réussi à me mettre à la place du personnage principal tellement elle me rappelait mon propre caractère ha ha. Bref, je suis de tout cœur avec toi et j'attends avec impatience la version finale du Paresseux 🤩🤩🤩  


Coucou !

Merci beaucoup pour ton soutien et d'avoir pris le temps de faire un retour sur la démo du jeu, Meilyne. Je suis ravie qu'elle t'ait plu et j'espère que le jeu complet t'enchantera également ^_^